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IT Consulting Services Agreement

Outsiders Law can provide you with your own comprehensive IT consulting services

agreement. Contact us to discuss your specific needs today!

What is IT Consulting?

And why do you need an agreement?

IT consulting services cover a wide range of areas, including security breach recovery, app and website development, network management, database/customer contact management, systems integration, etc.


Outsiders Law is a tech-forward law firm and our founder owned an IT business before becoming a lawyer. We use technology to streamline a number of our daily tasks, including document automation, task automation and artificial intelligence,  which has increased our productivity, and cut costs for our clients! 


Working with a law firm that understands your business can really help speed up the drafting of your IT Consulting Agreement, which will also help keep costs down. It is our experience that many smaller IT service providers try to copy other companies' online agreements, which is generally insufficient due to jurisdictional differences, differences in the actual services provided (and therefore different risk points), or simply the fact that the company they have copied hasn't had a qualified lawyer review their language. 


With the high risk associated with technology services, we strongly recommend that you put an agreement in place that properly describes the scope of services you will provide, sets out the terms of your engagement, ensures that you retain your businesses' valuable IP, and properly ringfences your liability.  


Whether you are a business owner hiring an IT consultant, or you yourself are an IT consultant, Outsiders can help to ensure you have a clean and comprehensive agreement that will protect your interests. Contact us today!

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